Linthaugh Nursery School
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Applying for a Nursery place

Names can be placed on the City Councils central applications register any time after the child’s second birthday. 

You can list up to three nurseries that you would like to be considered for.

Please phone to arrange an appointment with the Head Teacher/Head of Centre of your first choice nursery who will record on the City Council’s computer based application register, your application details and choice of nurseries. 

You can only fill out one application form.


In this area of Glasgow there can sometimes be more applications than places actually available. Nursery places therefore, are allocated by an admissions panel in accordance with the City of Glasgow’s Admissions Policy, details of which are available from the Head Teacher.  You may not always be allocated to your first choice nursery. We operate a joint admissions panel with the other nursery establishments in the local area. The panel meets regularly to co-ordinate nursery places and to allocate and review full time places.

When a place is allocated to your child you will be contacted by phone or letter and invited to visit the nursery school to make arrangements for starting.