Linthaugh Nursery School
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Numeracy and Literacy

Numeracy and Mathematics

I am developing a sense of size and amount by observing, exploring, using and communicating with others about things in the world around me
MNU 0-01a

I have explored numbers, understanding that they represent quantities, and I can use them to count, create sequences and describe order.
MNU 0-02a

 I use practical materials and can ‘count on and back’ to help me to understand addition and subtraction, recording my ideas and solutions in different ways.
MNU 0-03a

I can share out a group of items by making smaller groups and can split a whole object into smaller parts.

MNU 0-07a

I am developing my awareness of how money is used and can recognise and use a range of coins.
MNU 0-09a

I am aware of how routines and events in my world link with times and seasons and have explored ways to record and display these using clocks, calendars and other methods.
MNU 0-10a

I have experimented with everyday items as units of measure to investigate and compare sizes and amounts in my environment, sharing my findings with others.
MNU 0-11a

I have spotted and explored patterns in my own and the wider environment and can copy and continue these and create my own patterns.
MTH 0-13a


Shape, Position & Movement

I enjoy investigating objects and shapes and can sort, describe and be creative with them.
MTH 0-16a

In movement, games, and using technology I can use simple directions and describe positions.
MTH 0-17a

I have had fun creating a range of symmetrical pictures and patterns using a range of media.
MTH 0-19a


Information Handling

I can collect objects and ask questions to gather information, organising and displaying my findings in different ways.
MNU 0-20a

I can match objects, and sort using my own and others' criteria, sharing my ideas with others.
MNU 0-20b

I can use the signs and charts around me for information, helping me plan and make choices and decisions in my daily life.
MNU 0-20c


Literacy and English

I enjoy exploring and playing with the patterns and sounds of language and can use what I learn.
LIT 0-01a/LIT 0-11a/LIT 0-20a

I enjoy exploring and choosing stories and other texts to watch, read or listen to, and can share my likes and dislikes.
LIT 0-01b/LIT 0-11b

I enjoy exploring events and characters in stories and other texts, sharing my thoughts in different ways.
LIT 0-1c LIT 0-19a

As I listen and talk in different situations I am learning to take turns and am developing my awareness of when to talk and when to listen.
LIT 0-02a/ENG 0-03a 

I listen or watch for useful or interesting information and I use this to make choices or learn new things.
LIT 0-04a

To help me understand stories and other texts, I ask questions and link what I am learning with what I already know.
LIT 0-07a / LIT 0-16a / ENG 0-17a

Within real and imaginary situations, I share experiences and feelings, ideas and information in a way that communicates my message.
LIT 0-09a

I enjoy exploring events and characters in stories and other texts and I use what I learn to invent my own, sharing these with others in imaginative ways.
LIT 0-09b / LIT 0-31a

As I listen and take part in conversations and discussions, I discover new words and phrases which I use to help me express my ideas, thoughts and feelings.
LIT 0-10a

I explore sounds, letters and words, discovering how they work together, and I can use what I learn to help me as I read and write.
ENG 0-12a / LIT 0-13a /LIT 0-21a

I use signs, books or other texts to find useful or interesting information and I use this to plan, make choices or learn new things.
LIT 0-14a

As I play and learn, I enjoy exploring interesting materials for writing and different ways of recording my experiences and feelings, ideas and information.
LIT 0-21b

Within real and imaginary situations, I share experiences and feelings, ideas and information in a way that communicates my message.
LIT 0-26a